Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik - Chair of Fluid Mechanics

Dr.-Ing. Chethan Mohan Kumar

Chethan Mohan Kumar's topic of research dealed with experimental and numerical study of cleaning processes with jet flow dynamics. Multi-scale CFD modelling of thin film removal with rotating impinging jets by coupling Volume of Fluid and thin film model was the main focus of his work. Further research interests included experimental studies on particle re-suspension, modelling of porous media and multiphase flows in general.


Research project




  • P. Elsen, B. Berger, C. Mohan Kumar: Reinigung gewalzter Bänder. Bänder Bleche Rohre, 58 (2017) 5, ISSN: 0005-3848.

  • C. Mohan Kumar, V. Nandana, G. Kohnen, U. Janoske. A coupled Volume of Fluid and thin film approach for modeling surface cleaning scenarios occurring at multi-scales. NAFEMS World Congress 2017. Manuscript No. NWC17-799-M. 11-14 June 2017. Stockholm, Sweden.


  • C. Mohan Kumar, P. Elsen, B. Berger, U. Janoske: Numerical modeling and
    analysis of viscous media removal from grooved surfaces with rotating impinging
    jets. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measure-
    ments, 4(4):573 – 582, Nov. 2016.

  • C. Mohan Kumar, P. Elsen, B. Berger, U. Janoske: Numerical modeling and Analysis of viscous media removal from grooved surfaces with rotating impinging jets, AFM 2016. 11th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics. 5 - 7 September 2016. Ancona, Italy


  • C. Mohan Kumar, P. Elsen, B. Berger, U. Janoske: A novel Cleaning in Place (CIP) approach and CFD modeling of the removal of thin films from metal surfaces with rotating high speed jets 2015. 11th European Coating Symposium (ECS 2015), Eindhoven, NL, September 9-11, 2015, Book of Abstracts