Dr.-Ing. Markus Bürger

He was working on:
Examination of the influence of soot reactivity on DPF regeneration
Energy efficient solid-liquid and liquid-liquid separation in disk stack centrifuges
- M. Buerger, C. M. Kumar, U. Janoske: AN IMMERSED BOUNDARY METHOD IN OPENFOAM FOR ARBITRARILY SHAPED PARTICLES IN THE SHEAR FLOW FIELD OF CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATORS. Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 2017, Waikoloa, Hawai'i, doi:10.1115/FEDSM2017-69370
- M. Bürger, Dr. H. Bladt, M. N. Eß, W. Mühlbauer, C. Zöllner, S. Seher: Untersuchung der Rußreaktivität von realem Motorruß verschiedener (Bio-)Kraftstoffe mittels Ramanuntersuchungen und isothermer Oxidation. FVV Tagungsbandbeitrag 2016
- Markus Bürger and Michaela N. Ess and Wolfgang Mühlbauer and Simone Seher: Examination of the Soot Reactivity of Different Diesel Fuels. MTZ -Worldwide, 2015, Volume 77, Number 1, pp. 66-71, Springer Science
- Markus Bürger and Michaela N. Ess and Wolfgang Mühlbauer and Simone Seher: Untersuchung der Rußreaktivität unterschiedlicher Dieselkraftstoffe.
MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, 2015, Volume 77, Number 1, pp. 70-78, Springer Science
DOI:10.1007/s35146-015-0154-1 - Bürger, M.; Janoske, U.: An Immersed Boundary Method in OpenFOAM® for Arbitrarily Shaped Lagrangian Bodies Taking Account of Contact Dynamics and Volumetrically Resolved Potential Forces. OpenFOAM® Workshop 2015, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 29 – July 2, 2015
- Bürger, M.; Janoske, U.: Numerical simulation of exhaust gas flow and reaction kinetics in the micro porous soot structure of deposited particles in DPFs. InProceedings FILTECH 2015, Cologne
- Bürger, Markus; Dr. Bladt Henrike; Eß, Michaela; Mühlbauer, Wolfgang; Zöllner Christian; Seher, Simone: Untersuchung der Rußreaktivität von realem Motorruß verschiedener (Bio-)Kraftstoffe mittels Ramanuntersuchungen und isothermer Oxidation. FVV Abschlussbericht 2014