Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik - Chair of Fluid Mechanics



The fluid mechanics laboratory includes several experimental equipments for the testing of rotating machinery ranging from the centrifugal separation to different kinds of fluid machines. Test rigs for filtration, cleaning, coating can be used as well. Various experimental equipments for the visualization and measurement of two-phase flows are available for research and teaching.

Equipment includes high-speed camera, thermal imaging infrared cameras, hot-wire anemometry, particle-image velocimetry (PIV), particle-tracking velocimetry (PTV), shadowgraphy and various other flow visualization and measuring techniques. Specific diagnostic methods like exhaust measurement systems can be used in research projects.

The computational laboratory includes a High Performance computing cluster with 2500 cores and several high-end Linux workstations. For teaching and student projects, a computational lab with 20 workstations can be used.

Equipment for flow and particle measurements (exerpt)

  • Evergreen Dual-Nd:YAG Laser (70mJ/pulse @ 532nm, up to 15Hz)
  • Light-sheet optics for Nd:YAG-lasers
  • LED Pulsed System (green, single or double pulse-mode for PIV)
  • Light-sheet optics for LED
  • 2x PCO Pixelfly dual-frame PIV-camera (1392 x 1040 pixel, up to 21,1 Hz)
  • 2x Scheimpflug-mount
  • 2x Phantom VEO410L highspeed-camera (1280 x 800 pixel, up to 5200 Hz, 600000 Hz @ reduced resolution)
  • Mikrotron EoSense Cube7 highspeed-camera (1696 x 1710 pixel, up to 523 Hz, 200000 Hz @ reduced resolution)
  • Synchronizer (6x input, 12x output, stand-alone-system, free programmable timing unit)
  • several standard camera-optics and long-distance microscope optics for cameras
  • PIV/PTV evaluation software
  • bubble-evaluation (shadowgraphy) software
  • Zeiss stereo discovery V20 microscope
  • Horiba LA-950 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
  • Pressure mapping sensors (Tekscan)