Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik - Chair of Fluid Mechanics

Nils Janssen



Research Associate

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Sicherheitstechnik

  • Gaußstraße 20, 42119 Wuppertal
  • Room: W.11.105
  • Phone: +49 (202) 439-3005
  • Fax: +49 (202) 439-3251

Email: njanssen[at]uni-wuppertal.de


The research of Nils Janssen is focused on the development of a digital twin model. The model enables real-time predictions during the Hall-Heroult process with variable power supply. Simulation results and industrial measurement data are directly integrated. The model is developed with Simulink and Matlab software by MathWorks.